Last-minute 1 -7 April 2015 – Double room only € 59,00 per night including breakfast and Triple room only € 67.00 per night with breakfast included. What to expect? Call now and book 320.6133553 !!! … or write to We wait.
Take advantage of the special offer: from 30 October to 4 November we apply a 25% discount to the rates of the period of double and triple rooms. So call, and we’ll give you all the details.
Again this year the initiative takes shape: “The Streets of Treasures”, an event that will allow all Palermo, tourists and residents to get to know better some of the countless artistic and architectural treasures of the city. – 60 places to discover in Palermo; -100 Events to participate in; – 80 urban and suburban walks; […]
Also this year the event takes shape, “Let’s start from here” which, like last season, will perform a number of emerging artists, local or otherwise, within open spaces and public and sponsored by the operators of the same areas. Tonight (11/09/2014) Square summoned, and for the occasion without traffic, is Revolution Square; here will perform […]
Book for days 16, 17 and 18 August ….. the last two rooms at a discounted price. Double or twin room € 59.00 per night instead of € 69.00, with breakfast included. Triple Room at € 74.00 per night instead of € 84.00, with breakfast included.
It seems only the past few years since that fateful day for Italian democracy; yet we are already at the 22 th anniversary of the violent death of Paolo Borsellino. Twenty-two years of continuous testimonies of solidarity and unconditional support to those who, with the only blemish of being left alive, and still fighting with […]
In the atrium of the Municipal Library 8th to July 12th will be able to attend screenings, events, performances and discussions related to the patron saint of Palermo. For more details please refer to the link:–palermo-omaggia-la-sua-santuzza.asp#.U70QO5R_uSo
You are in Palermo for your holiday? been spending some days off to visit our city during the period of the World Cup and you have the fear of getting lost a few important game? do not worry …! every evening you can watch the games of the World Cup at the “Castle In the […]
From June 19 to 22, the last double room € 59.00 per night with breakfast included in the price. Upon arrival, a bottle of red wine and two glasses on request.
From Tuesday to Sunday you can visit the Maritime Museum, located at the Bourbon arsenal of Palermo. Entry is permitted from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and it’s free! – Initiative valid until 1 June 2014 For information call +39 091.361309 –